php-graham-campbell-result-type [oracular/arm64]

Version Triggers Env Date Duration Requester Result UUID
1.1.2-1 phpunit/9.6.20-1 2024-07-31 14:48:47 UTC 0h 07m 02s jbicha pass b6987d0e-2e70-4dd8-95fe-0f3b4cfbe9fb logartifacts
1.1.2-1 phpunit/9.6.20-1 2024-07-22 12:00:48 UTC 0h 06m 09s ginggs fail 6682a777-c59a-48f0-a90b-8b181780b1ac logartifacts
1.1.2-1 phpunit/9.6.20-1 2024-07-21 09:22:51 UTC 0h 23m 59s costamagnagianfranco fail 661ed8b4-0f7d-44b7-bd2f-ff9c262f8144 logartifacts
1.1.2-1 migration-reference/0 2024-07-18 23:07:29 UTC 0h 33m 07s - pass 20d984f2-2ff3-4ddd-90a3-33dd65c4fdd3 logartifacts
1.1.2-1 phpunit/9.6.20-1 2024-07-18 21:13:06 UTC 0h 28m 45s - fail b9bc9927-f6f9-4438-b458-379bd6c5e054 logartifacts
1.1.2-1 php-graham-campbell-result-type/1.1.2-1 2024-07-05 01:43:06 UTC 0h 22m 21s - pass b1e73256-b6cf-40e3-a805-f3cde8f560a6 logartifacts
1.0.4-3 php-phpoption/1.9.2-1 2024-07-04 15:15:58 UTC 0h 05m 01s - pass 12042638-1c2a-4fcd-bb50-8091b709b656 logartifacts
1.0.4-3 phpab/1.29.1-2 2024-05-20 08:28:21 UTC 0h 03m 13s - pass 8b3634cb-03bd-48d2-9535-973ddd81ea7d logartifacts
1.0.4-2 phpab/1.29.1-1 2024-05-05 03:58:10 UTC 0h 06m 10s - pass 10f200f3-efb7-435f-84c8-3dc0a01f8be6 logartifacts
1.0.4-2 phpunit/9.6.19-1 2024-05-05 03:28:15 UTC 0h 05m 25s - pass 064ade0c-0d1f-4953-b907-f945ba67b9fb logartifacts
1.0.4-3 php-graham-campbell-result-type/1.0.4-3 2024-05-04 03:13:54 UTC 0h 04m 22s - pass c2db0cc6-6674-4632-98da-4f9cebcfe041 logartifacts

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