php-graham-campbell-result-type [oracular/i386]

Version Triggers Env Date Duration Requester Result UUID
1.1.2-1 phpunit/9.6.20-1 2024-07-31 13:36:39 UTC 0h 07m 01s jbicha pass 8d1a03be-e017-4ad7-bd43-fc4c3384def8 logartifacts
1.1.2-1 phpunit/9.6.20-1 all-proposed=1 2024-07-30 16:25:36 UTC 0h 07m 04s costamagnagianfranco fail 79681ae1-3e10-40b3-aa71-36f333f7a217 logartifacts
1.1.2-1 phpunit/9.6.20-1 2024-07-22 00:10:31 UTC 0h 01m 57s ginggs fail d8403024-23b6-44bc-ab37-2328ac1ab482 logartifacts
1.1.2-1 phpunit/9.6.20-1 2024-07-21 07:04:03 UTC 0h 03m 07s costamagnagianfranco fail ea5c05af-c0fb-4818-be3d-f6b8ada93131 logartifacts
1.1.2-1 phpunit/9.6.20-1 2024-07-18 20:02:43 UTC 0h 05m 58s - fail cdc8cef3-d23b-4ff5-b754-02ff316e5cc9 logartifacts
1.1.2-1 php-graham-campbell-result-type/1.1.2-1 2024-07-05 01:44:20 UTC 0h 05m 44s - pass 27f1318a-4e14-4442-894f-1d07e2028089 logartifacts
1.0.4-3 php-phpoption/1.9.2-1 2024-07-04 15:01:17 UTC 0h 04m 39s - pass 89932a63-e7d5-4753-a647-13aecbd0b2e4 logartifacts
1.0.4-3 phpab/1.29.1-2 2024-05-20 07:41:49 UTC 0h 05m 44s - pass 50835ce3-983a-4dd3-8b44-52aefd730fe8 logartifacts
1.0.4-3 phpunit/9.6.19-1 2024-05-17 16:40:21 UTC 0h 03m 34s - pass eac29368-c8a9-47c8-868c-3c6e229b3ee2 logartifacts
1.0.4-3 phpab/1.29.1-1 2024-05-17 15:57:15 UTC 0h 05m 25s - pass 96066da7-5e31-4229-a961-39b1f4095b22 logartifacts
1.0.4-3 php-graham-campbell-result-type/1.0.4-3 2024-05-12 17:40:37 UTC 0h 19m 28s ginggs pass d6e45ca4-065f-47c2-8bd8-65569b4d39c6 logartifacts
1.0.4-2 migration-reference/0 2024-05-11 08:29:15 UTC 0h 19m 01s - pass 20c00e10-fee2-446e-89e2-ee4a8e9927ae logartifacts
unknown php-graham-campbell-result-type/1.0.4-3 2024-05-06 03:47:10 UTC 0h 18m 00s - tmpfail 97ad1e34-c43b-4321-bc3f-d508aea2bd25 logartifacts

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