php-graham-campbell-result-type [oracular/s390x]

Version Triggers Env Date Duration Requester Result UUID
1.1.2-1 phpunit/9.6.20-1 2024-07-31 13:37:03 UTC 0h 07m 32s jbicha pass e296fbef-741e-4656-be88-f613fb18f49f logartifacts
1.1.2-1 phpunit/9.6.20-1 2024-07-22 00:12:25 UTC 0h 02m 29s ginggs fail 1bf3c3f1-b925-47d9-8638-80727c001ad4 logartifacts
1.1.2-1 phpunit/9.6.20-1 2024-07-21 07:40:16 UTC 0h 01m 39s costamagnagianfranco fail d0803f27-bca4-4cda-83dd-78901b4eead3 logartifacts
1.1.2-1 migration-reference/0 2024-07-18 20:31:34 UTC 0h 04m 57s - pass 5a1d42e5-be5f-417c-964d-7e860c9efa0a logartifacts
1.1.2-1 phpunit/9.6.20-1 2024-07-18 20:13:26 UTC 0h 05m 16s - fail 5c50fd93-f698-472a-949c-72cd44521ed1 logartifacts
1.1.2-1 php-graham-campbell-result-type/1.1.2-1 2024-07-05 01:43:56 UTC 0h 07m 45s - pass 46413e2e-5c10-4346-84e1-e56b7993b3e9 logartifacts
1.0.4-3 php-phpoption/1.9.2-1 2024-07-04 15:10:58 UTC 0h 10m 55s - pass fe957d6d-6bee-4e98-b269-5b1762592b3b logartifacts
1.0.4-3 phpab/1.29.1-2 2024-05-20 09:52:22 UTC 0h 19m 16s - pass bf91d376-e22c-4f57-ae4d-32e7ff2aff06 logartifacts
1.0.4-2 phpunit/9.6.19-1 2024-05-06 15:03:39 UTC 0h 06m 05s - pass b2781971-7a48-4668-96f9-d8d1a15a2261 logartifacts
1.0.4-2 phpab/1.29.1-1 2024-05-06 14:14:31 UTC 0h 03m 52s - pass 2c794f85-5840-4aa7-aae9-54bc6fa30f61 logartifacts
1.0.4-3 php-graham-campbell-result-type/1.0.4-3 2024-05-04 10:13:11 UTC 0h 02m 54s - pass 94f2e3b3-2b4d-4793-9e9b-3c4a8147a61d logartifacts

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